
This Is The Place For You

无论你的继续教育目标是什么,我们知道你有 concerns that are more than academic. You might be thinking about 平衡学校和工作,照顾孩子,或者换工作. Whether 你心中有一条特定的道路,或者需要一个人的一点指导 专家,我们的顾问将倾听并帮助您克服障碍 keeping you from achieving your goals.

With offerings like our online skill-focused certificates and our online accelerated degree completion program在美国,大峡谷将帮助你的事业和生活 the next level.

More Choices for Greater Opportunities

GVSU LEADS student studying at home.


Looking to finish a degree? We can help you. Find out more about Grand Valley's adult degree programs below.

Or you can explore Grand Valley's other traditional bachelor's degree programs and work with an advisor to start on a completely new path.

GVSU adult student on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids campus.


获得你需要的证书,以促进你的职业需求 skills-based adult programming.

For-Credit Certificates

Non-Credit Certificates

Visit our Level Up page for a complete list of certificates and badges.

一名弗吉尼亚州立大学的成年学生在格兰德山谷的罗伯特C. Pew Grand Rapids campus.


非学术学分和/或成人继续教育专业 通过GVSU提供的许可证更新机会.



The world is changing in unprecedented ways. Current jobs are evolving. 由于机遇和需要,新的企业正在诞生. If you 想要增加你的学士学位后的教育,以满足 不断变化的职业挑战,格兰德谷在这里提供帮助. 

Visit the Graduate School website for a list of GVSU graduate programs.

You can also attend a Graduate School event.



格兰谷了解军人和他们的家人 独特的需求和责任,当涉及到开始和 completing their degrees. GVSU is dedicated to being veteran-inclusive, and we've created a comprehensive continuing education program 这有助于退伍军人感受到支持和联系.

Learn more about our Veteran Complete 程序和发现可用的资源,你在 Veteran's Resources Center.

The Support You Deserve

From Application to Graduation

Whatever you're balancing, you'll find supportive staff, faculty, 还有学生和你可以归属的文化. Whether you need help studying, navigating campus, 或者只是找一群成年同学来交流, 博天堂官方在这里等你,直到你完成. 你可以在下面找到所有的资源,也可以在我们的 Adult Services page.

Frequently Asked Questions

当你考虑重返校园时,有很多问题是很正常的, 所以我们列出了一些最常见问题的答案, 但如果你有其他问题,请随时打电话给我们!

成年学生往往是课堂上的领导者. We often hear from 教师们有多喜欢和成人学生一起上课 experiences and conversations they bring. Approximately 8% of our 学生是非传统的学生,可以在许多地方找到 不同的专业,你会适应并找到你在GVSU的社区. 

这取决于你的特殊情况,包括有多少类 你有兴趣参加每个学期(我们提供兼职和全日制) 时间学习)以及你在你的课程中积累了多少学分 educational journey.

我们建议您与我们的学术顾问见面并随身携带 非官方副本你的成绩单,包括任何学分,你可能 have earned along the way. 

一般来说,学士学位需要120个学分。 全职工作或有重大责任的学生 在家里,他们最喜欢兼职,带两个班 courses (6-8 credits) at a time. If a student enrolls in two courses 每个秋季、冬季和春季/夏季学期,他/她都可能会赚到钱 about 18 credits per year. Since the Bachelor's Degree requires a 至少120个学分,兼职学生大约需要7个学分 years to graduate from GVSU. A full-time student can usually complete the Bachelor's Degree in four years.  Come talk to us and you might find that you're already well on your way! 

GVSU接受许多州内和州外的课程 institutions. 如果你有兴趣看看课程作业 转学时,我们鼓励您与我们的顾问预约 bring copies of unofficial transcripts. If you're transferring, you can look on your own to see how your credits transfer.

您在GVSU获得的学分将保留在您的成绩单上! If 你已经在另一个机构完成了额外的课程 顾问可以帮助你将这些学分转入GVSU.

大峡谷大学的学费远低于美国其他公立大学 质量相当,并被评为美国百佳之一 College Buys for 17 years in a row. We know Grand Valley tuition is a 真正的投资,我们对实际的家庭预算很敏感. We have 各种形式的经济援助,包括奖学金, 赠款、贷款、付款计划和方便的工作计划 employers who provide educational benefits. You can see our current tuition and fees here and find more details on scholarships and employer deferment plans here.

There is some childcare offered through the Children's Enrichment Center at our Allendale Campus.

有几种方法可以让你获得学分或展示专业知识 experiences and knowledge you have.

  • 挑战考试:我们有几个内部挑战考试 different areas including math and language -请注意,您将被免除特定级别的a 课程,并根据你的成绩被安排到更高级别的课程 performance on these exams.
  • Credit by exam: Through CLEP and DSST
  • 军事评价和学分:用于军事课程

你的指导老师会和你一起决定什么对你有帮助 complete your degree.

Success Stories

Sam Collins

GVSU adult student Sam Collins.

Sam Collins completed his degree at GVSU. Watch his video 了解他继续教育的故事.

Darla Elmers

GVSU adult student Darla Elmers.

达拉·艾默斯最近在网上完成了她的学士学位. Watch her video to learn more about her GVSU journey.

Need to Talk It Over?

有时候和顾问谈谈会有帮助. 我们的工作人员致力于为像你这样的成人学生服务,并理解你重返校园所面临的独特挑战. 您可以通过电话(616)331-7180、电子邮件、 [email protected], or by making an online appointment to discuss the process.

Schedule Your Appointment

Page last modified March 25, 2024